Monday's Musings (on Wednesday) - Battling Depression with Exercise

Ok, so this time I have a really good reason for not being able to put together a post on Monday. This is what I'm up to now:

I'm cleaning out and painting the insides of the kitchen cupboard and putting the stuff back in, cleaned and more organized. Since I don't have a big dining/living room area in which to put all the cupboard contents while I'm painting, I'm having to do it in halves or maybe even thirds, so it's going to take awhile. And, boy!, am I discovering muscles I haven't used in awhile. I now know I have them by the achiness as I bounce up and down off a chair and stretch arms to reach the high cupboards. But progress is being made and that's encouraging. 

My inspiration has been: Toni Hammersley's book The Complete Book of Home Organization. It's a beautiful book and just makes you want to get at the cleaning and organizing.

But now, on too our next step/idea for battling depression - exercise.

Right up front I need to say that I am not a fitness expert, nor do I like to exercise. I just like how I feel when I've done it - energetic, encouraged, fitter, and glad I'm done. Unless the exercise for the day is walking in the woods. How can you not like that?!

Exercise is well-known to trigger endorphins. Here is what WebMD has to say about them:

Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as "euphoric." That feeling, known as a "runner's high," can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.

Now when you're in the throes of depression, it's pretty hard to get motivated to exercise, especially if your chosen method of exercising isn't much fun. That's where a walk outside, preferably in a beautiful setting can help a lot. Later we're going to touch on the energizing benefits of being out in nature, but for now suffice it to say that taking a brisk walk outside is one of the most energizing and uplifting things I've found.

I'm blessed to live in the woods so taking a walk on woodland trails is simple, except in the dead of winter when we have over two feet of snow. (If I didn't hate cold so much I'd think about learning to snow-shoe.) But I've also noted how many cities have beautiful parks in which you can walk and feel like you're out in nature. Even walking down the sidewalk of the suburbs can be uplifting, especially if you can enjoy the trees, bushes, birds, etc.

Do you have to really exert and break a sweat? I don't think so; just get moving, get the heart rate up some. Get off the couch!

Now that it's getting cold (that four-letter word!) where I live, I prefer to exercise to a DVD and have gone back to doing this routine:

Once you learn the proper form and get familiar with the routine through the instructional video, the regular routine takes only around 18 minutes and you really get a workout, though not through jumping, sweating, or killing yourself. She guides you through postures that use all the muscles properly and get your spine aligned correctly.

And we all know that if your spine is happy, everything else is happy. She also focuses on the lymphatic syster, neurokinetic flow, and muscle density and flexibility. She also has another DVD that takes more time and covers more, but I'll have to work up to that intensity and to having enough time in my schedule.

Meanwhile, this works well for my injured back. (She was a kineseologist who also had back trouble.) My 14yod joins me in this one.

And it really triggers the endorphins. I always feel good after doing it. And not too bad while doing it. 

I've also tried some yoga DVDs and they're good, but the way my home is set up right now doesn't leave much open space for a yoga mat and the accompanying exercise. T. Tapp is all done standing up and requires very little space. I can do it in my bedroom.

So I encourage you to get up and go for a walk, or some other simple exercise even if you don't feel like it. It's so helpful!

My other posts on Steps to Overcoming Depression are here:
10 Steps Out of Depression
Battling Depression with God's Word

1 comment:

  1. I hope lots of people will be encouraged by your post. Exercise is pretty miraculous for lots of things!
