Monday Musings and This N That

 Well, it looks like winter is finally coming, not that I'm complaining about its lateness. I'm not a fan of snow and cold, but am trying to learn not to complain. It is beautiful, especially on our surrounding pines. Though I haven't looked at weather reports, I'm confident that we'll be getting a lot more before long. 

My daughter and I recently built those raised beds for next year's gardening. We now have a total of six of them, with at least one more in the plans. I let her do the chainsawing because she's knowledgeable and skillful. I'll stick to a circular saw and hammering.

I can't help but take pictures of beautiful and strange things in nature...


My huggy and I were blessed by a marriage conference hosted by our church this last weekend. The teachers/counsellors were very skilled at helping us to see into each others' hearts and to renew connections that are lost in the everyday and in the difficulties of life. It was so valuable. We learned that often our responses in the present actually date back to defense mechanisms from past hurts or deprivations. Very thought-provoking and we continue to talk about stuff from it.

This week's goals are:

Clear out some boxes of papers and books that clutter the area near my desk
Be more intentional about making a menu, rather than just winging it

Mend Tree of Gondor quilt for daughter
Finish borders on other daughter's BOM quilt
Applique music notes onto Music Blog Hop quilt (which I already have scheduled to post)

Continue handquilting Autumn Jubilee 2021
Continue crocheting baby afghan for gifting/donation

Fortunatly, this week is a calm looking one, so hopefully I'll get these done.

How go your plans?


  1. It's funny, I've been watching your progress on the garden beds with interest.. and only now realized you are heading into winter! I just went and bought some pre-made ones, don't have your skills to build them sadly.. and I am late getting my garden in because I've been away... but oh well, better late than never I hope! You on the other hand are nicely organized!!! Have a wonderful week and thanks for joining in on Monday This and That!

  2. Those raised garden beds look awesome!! they fit in with the beauty of your place! I am glad that you had a good retreat - always important to re connect and learn more right?
