Adventures Galore! and Hopes and Goals

Well, the day after my last post, my car was violently rear-ended by a woman who didn't stop when the rest of us did for the car turning left in front of us. Fortunately, there were no injuries.

I was able to drive home where my husband pronounced the car undriveable till he could replace the mufflers and exhaust pipe and we ended up needing a new tire too because the muffler had rubbed against it so much that it was ruined. Sigh. I wish I'd thought to try to bend the muffler away from it.

The woman's car was totalled. Still no injuries.

 Being an older car, the cost to repair the dent damage would be more than the car is worth. 😕 So, I'll be driving a dented car for awhile. But all this has taken a bunch of time because of Michigan's silly no-fault insurance law. So, to get reimbursed for even just the repair work to make it driveable again, I have to chase all around Robin Hood's barn for estimates and talk to insurance people and may have to go to small claims court. Sigh.

I've also been occupied with the homesteading work and was tickled to harvest my first nectarine - so juicy (downright dribbly) and sweet!

Green beans are producing well, and the tomatoes are ripening up. Yay! Salad greens were attacked by some teeny bugs that really bug me. I harvested the least messed up ones, washed them thoroughly, and have some drying for powdering for smoothies.

Progress has been slowly made on the "Critter Corner" where we plan to raise quail and meat rabbits while also hoping to let the rabbits forage somewhat.


Miss Pretty-pretty like to help


This is the first quail cage which will be divided into three parts to house three "clutches" - five hens and one rooster.

This is the cage for two mama rabbits which still needs a divider and more zip ties for sturdiness.
The cages will hang from the ceiling while also being hooked to the wall so they won't swing.


And, when you spill some blobs of paint on the floor, used your non-existent art skills to try to make them look like rabbits. 😊

I've also gotten to press some flowers and leaves for card-making, or candle jars, or ??? and stored them in my new 7 Elements drawer thingy.

I also spent a day and a half visiting my brother's family a couple of hours away while my mom was there for a few days.

So, it's no wonder that I haven't been in the sewing room much, or blogged much.

I did finish one block of Joy's Christmas in July Quilt (the child-themed version). Progress!

And I started this cute fall mug cross-stitch from Kate Stitcher Cross-stitch Designs on Facebook.

So, goals, dreams, hopes for this next week:

On the Homestead:
* Get remaining supplies to finish Critter Corner
* Learn more about perennial onions
* Harvest oregano and comfrey to dry for feeding rabbits
* Prepare to raise fodder for rabbits and quails

In the Home/Kitchen:
* Preserve beans
* Bake cookies for church fellowship
* Prepare lunch for friend fellowship on Thursday

In the Easy Chair:
* Continue making premie hats for New Life Pregnancy Care
* Start a baby afghan for NLPC
* Work on fall mug cross-stitch

In the Reading Nook (which is anywhere):
* Continue "Soul Revolution" by John Burke (slowly marinating in this one)
* Continue "The Seven-Step Homestead" by Leah M. Webb (lots of good information here)
* Continue "Under the Lilacs" by L.M. Alcott
* Lots of other books in the works, too 😁

I may have jury duty on Friday. I wonder if I can bring my handwork. I'll try, of course.

May your week be full of wonder, happy surprises, and glimpses of God's great love for us.


  1. Oh no, your poor car :( So glad no one was hurt though... I'll be watching your quail raising efforts closely - I want some too... actually someone gave me a heap but I didn't have anywhere to put them sadly.. Hope you are having a great week and thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

  2. Kim, I'm so sorry about your car, but so thankful there were no injuries. I hope you get to get it repaired soon. I had family that lived in MI and they hated that no-fault insurance. Love the block and the pressed flowers especially!
