Monday's Musings & This & That


One of the songs that we were blessed to sing during worship service yesterday really spoke to me as I was dealing with a huge disappointment and feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me. I hope the words speak to you, too, about how we can find our complete satisfaction in Jesus and what he's done for us because of his great love for us.


This & That Report and New Goals

Last Week's Goals


* Organize stationery & letter-writing area - Done


* Experiment with making a fall mini-quilt-block bunting - Totally neglected

* Piece together all the diamonds for OMG - Also totally neglected

* Decide exact plan for Music Blog Hop - Decision made

* Keep up with Autumn Jubilee quilt-along - 7 out of 16 blocks made, so I think I'm keeping up since the next step isn't till this Friday


* Finish cleaning out all garden areas - Done

* Prune berries & bushes & trees - Too rainy all week

* Start up indoor gardening (microgreens) - Getting seeds soaking tonight for planting tomorrow

* Perhaps start building more garden beds for spring - Again, too rainy


* Thank you to BP - Done

* Newsy to DS - Done

* Newsy to DB - Done

This Week's Goals


* Clean out tupperware-type storage

* Organize bookshelves above my desk


* Continue Autumn Jubilee quilt

* Work on OMG

* Finish daughter's twin-sized BOM top


* Help split firewood

* Prune if able

* Transplant elderberries

I hope your goals were met, that you had an enjoyable time doing them, and that this week's goals bring joy and accomplishment.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful hymn, very encouraging, thanks so much for sharing... You got a lot done last week! Hope it is a good one for you again this week. Thanks for linking up with Monday This and That! xx
