Yup, once again I was just not motivated to blog or was also too busy with caring for Mom and other stuff. But I've not been idle with my handwork, so here comes the show:
January's and February's BOM with A Quilting Life
Hand-quilting the mug wall-hanging
Cross-stitching another month block
I went to an herbal tea tasting class and got re-inspired to make my own blends primarily from my own gardens so I made a notebook to keep track and be able to replicate what I'd done.
I've also been working on the animal section of our little homestead, incubating and hatching out more quail chicks, building a new grow-out cage, giving away a rabbit doe who has outlived her usefulness but I can't bear to dispatch because I've had her so long. So she gets to be a pet for awhile for a young girl who's good at caring for animals.
The quails are becoming numerous and mature enough that I can start regularly selling some eggs. Yippee! Being a small operation, I won't get rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope to cover feed costs for both the rabbits and quails and that will mean free quality food for us. 😊
He states my philosophy of caring for my little bit of God's Creation well in his beautiful book.
Goals for this week:
* Ferment carrots
* Ferment carrots
* Paint bedroom wall that I spackle-fixed
* Keep to housekeeping schedule
* Pick up Azure Standard order
* Pick up Azure Standard order
* Finish building quail cage
* Continue quilting mug wallhanging
* Make March A Quilting Life BOM
* Make March Elefantz BOM
* Draw little embroidery designs
* Start embroidered book/journal as inspired by: {and because I NEED a new project}
I hope your week is full of flashes of joy and realizations that God loves you
more than you can imagine.
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