Ahhhtumn! That Beautiful, Busy Time of Year

 My cross-stitch is almost done and I should be able to enjoy the finished product for awhile before winter hits. Hooray!

Our northern Michigan autumns are really very colorfully beautiful. This year the colors seem to be turning a little later than usual, but we have some.

And there are the die-hard color-producing asters, bless them.

The recent big excitement on our little homestead is the successful incubation and hatching of about 10 coturnix quail eggs, so far. 

And we enjoyed some of the eggs for breakfast today. The progress in growing our flock is fun and encouraging. I got to take about 20 hard-boiled eggs to church fellowship brunch last Sunday and people enjoyed them.

With my meager carpentry skills and help from my darling husband, we built a cool egg holder that will hold 20 eggs per level, my daily goal for our personal eating. I hope to sell the excess. I have another holder in the works to cover six days. After that, they should go into the refrigerator.

I'd be happy to share measurements with anyone who might want them.

More busyness includes dehydrating onion scapes to turn into onion powder...

...pressure-canning three kinds of soups using a lot of the carrots purchased as Buy 2 Get 3 bags free...

...harvesting Swiss Chard and spinach and preparing to dehydrate some of them for morning smoothies...

...noticing that the make-shift swingset pole bean trellis still has quite a few beans, some quite edible...

...possibly finding a buyer for this lovely New Zealand doe who does a good job as a mama, but I just need to downsize a little...

...moving these goobers into their own cages now that they're 4.5 weeks old...

...and enjoying some cider and the coziness of fall.

Hope you're finding much to enjoy!

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