Monday Goals Made on Tuesday

Well, looking back on last week's goals, I didn't finish even one of them. 😒 

So, I'll list them again later and try harder. 

But I did get some other things done, thank goodness.

Besides keeping the house and homestead running, I finished the cross-stitching part of this gift and only need to do the outlining and mount it for gifting the early part of May. I have another one done, but it also needs mounting to be ready three days after this one.

I'm continuing to enjoy growing my microgreens with this self-watering method from Mike VanDuzee and am eagerly awaiting more of the drip lids. The new ones will fit kombucha bottles so I don't have to use plastic bottles. Though I do make my own kombucha, I'm willing to buy a few while I'm out running errands and want something to drink.

I also did a silly thing - I started a new project. 😁😉😐

I've had this Crazy Yarn from Stonehedge Fiber Mill for a long time, buying a little here and there as I visit the mill or see them at fiber festivals. I've tried to knit something with it and used some as a table runner for awhile till I decontructed that in order to use the yarn otherwise. Now I'm going to crochet myself a super simple top mostly so I can use the yarn and have something kinda mindless to do with my hands while watching tv or listening to my husband monologue which he does occasionally. 😍

I may be forced to revisit the mill and buy more yarn along the way, but I'll try to suffer through that. 😉 I want to take a new friend to visit it anyhow, so...

I spent the afternoon with said new friend yesterday and came home with some treasures.

This is an inkle loom, for weaving narrow bands. This is a particularly large floor version. I've been looking for some time at buying a table-top one, but couldn't really justify the expense when I didn't know if I'd even enjoy the process or what I'd do with the finished products. But I certainly couldn't turn down a free one!

So I need to clean it up really well (it was stored in a barn loft), replace two pegs, and watch lots of YouTube videos on how to do the weaving as well as read the books I ordered from the library. I'm rather excited!

She also has a huge stash of yarn, so gave me some with which to make more baby afghans for the pregnancy care center. I'm excited about that, too.

Another thing on which I spent some time was helping my Lovey cut a hole in the Critter Corner floor so he can put in a floor drain for easier cleaning. He's so good with all this stuff and able to figure out how to do things even if he's never done them before. As it happens, putting in floor drains is part of what he does in his day job. We moved the rabbits out while the noisy cement saw was working so they wouldn't be too traumatized since the older does are pregnant.

One of my jobs for today has already been happily done - ordering more literary teas from Simpson and Vail Teas. The leaves are so rich and flavorful that I get several small pots' worth of lovely tea from a few tablespoons and one must have a good tea while sewing or reading, you know.

This week's goals... (I like the way Joy laid out her crafting goals separately and specifically, so I'm gonna type mine out that way this time.)

In the yarn basket 
* Continue on the Olivia top - easy relaxing

In the hoop
* Finish all outlining of cat cross-stitch

At the sewing machine
* Repair Doug's quilt as able
* Prepare quilt back for Ann's Autumn Jubilee quilt
* Find #9 for Chookshed Challenge
* Put binding on Christmas wallhanging

On the loom
* Thoroughly clean the loom
* Get educated on inkle weaving

In the kitchen
* Make paneer
* Experiment with blending herbs for tisanes, ie. lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, and dried apple
* Order more SVTea - done 😊 (That felt good!)

In the home
* Declutter bedroom
* Organize stuff on craft room table

On the homestead
* Start cabbage, lettuce, kale, Swiss chard indoors
* Pruning and yard clean-up
* Help Lovey put in Critter Corner floor drain

Well, here's hoping I haven't planned too much for one week, but I'm off to get at some of it. Check the sidebar for some of the places where I link up.

Hope your week is productive yet calm.


  1. What a great find in the loom - have fun with it. Your microgreens look great! I really like the cross stitch too. Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings.

  2. That's a wonderful and varied list! I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish a lot.

  3. That will be fun figuring out that loom! Love seeing all the yarn goodies. I'm a coffee person in the morning but I do love my tea while I sew in the afternoons.

  4. A new project? I say, "why not". If it makes you happy then go for it.
    Loving your greens that are growing so beautifully with your newly discovered watering system. Maybe I will have to try it sometime.

  5. I'm not doing well with my to-do list too. I love how you make goals for every part of your life.

  6. I love those tea tins... you will enjoy drinking the contents I know! Looking forward to seeing how the loom works - it looks complicated to me! Love your to do list!! Thanks for joining in on Monday This & That and hope you had a productive week! xx

  7. Looks like you have been busy. I use goals to keep me on track but that doesn't mean I get all my goals each week. Lucky you to get a new loom and yarn for charity work.
