Changed Priorities

 As it will, life has temporarily changed drastically and thus priorities need to change. My widowed aunt was put on hospice care, needing to move to a skilled nursing facility, and my 88-year-old Mom is her power of attorney and nearest blood relative. So Mom needed support and help in Cleveland (6.5 hours away from me). So I've been at Mom's off and on since the 11th, packing up my aunt's independent living apartment, dealing with getting a secondary POA down here, stopping the myriads of junk mail and donation requests that generous older people seem to get, answering my mom's forgetfully repeated questions, praising God for beautiful nature spots in the midst of a huge city, trying to make sure Aunt's step kids get what 

they want all while under the orders of a very smart and usually alert aunt.

So I haven't even seen my sewing room in the past few weeks, but have enjoyed finishing a crocheted baby afghan (which I forgot the photograph), starting a new one, 

and continuing my four seasons of mugs from Kate Stitcher on Facebook.

It's sure nice to have some portable crafts.

I've also enjoyed some reading (of course!), like this inspiring book:

In case you can't see the title well, it says Grounded.

Also this thought-provoking older book:

On my Kindle I'm enjoying The Last Guardsman by Rhonda Chandler. It's the first book in the World of AllHallen series, an interesting fantasy adventure.

And I'm having the adventure of teaching an old dog new tricks - how to blog on my phone instead of on the laptop. 😁

So this week's goals are to wrap things up with the old apartment before the end of the month, get home at least for a few days, catch up on harvest and housework, and maybe have some fun working on the Scrappy Spools sew-along which has been long-neglected. 

Oh, here's another inspiring and helpful book. 😊

Hope your week is full of wonder and a restful spirit, like finding a beautiful spot of nature's calm.


  1. Oh, it must be the changing of the seasons... it seems many of us bloggers/quilters seem to have distractions and changes in our lives. I'll keep you in my prayers. You have a LOT on your plate right now. I'm glad you were able to continue to share on your blog, via your phone, and took the chance to share in Sew & Tell.

  2. You are a good daughter and niece to step in when needed! I am thanking God that your aunt has you to help her make a life transition. It is nice to have portable projects for times like these. Your post made me smile today, and I thank you for your post.

  3. I'm so glad your mom has you to help her. Transitions are not easy for the elderly. Your cross stitch project is really pretty. I like to do it while waiting for my grands in car line!
