Time Use Experiment

Yesterday I tried something I've wanted to try for quite some time - roasting pumpkin seeds. After I'd cooked three small pumpkins and made some pumpkin pudding with some of it and froze the rest, I washed the seeds in cold water, which made the stringy pulpy goo come of them pretty easily, mixed 2 cups of them with 3 T. oil, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, and 1/2 tsp. salt, and spread them out on an aluminum-covered sheet pan to roast at 250F for 45 minutes and then 5 more minutes at 325F as instructed by Taste of Home. They turned out wonderfully though next time I'm going to try a little more garlic and Worcestershire just for a little more punch.


 I'm trying an experiment today and so far I'm liking it. I've set a two hour timer on my phone and use that as a signal to add wood to the woodstove (too frequently I neglect it and have to start it up again 😒) and then to change focus for another two hours. I started with my time in God's Word and prayer as well as other reading and letter-writing. The next two-hour segment was for housekeeping - cleaning kitchen, cleaning one of the bathrooms, prepping sourdough to rise, making kombucha, watering indoor salad gardening, etc. After replenishing the fire, the next segment was for listing some clothing on Ebay all the while trying to keep curious kitty out of the pictures. (I use a trifold display board covered in scrap muslin as my backdrop.)

Next was a quick lunch while watching part of a Youtube video on meat rabbits and then since the sun was finally shining (it's been gray skies for over a week), I had to step outside to enjoy and then came in to lie down in the patch of sunshine on my bed for a few minutes.(I think I'm part cat.)

Now is the time for pursuing personal interests and studies, like blogging, learning to draw, more letter-writing, nap, baking, history of Israel, or more rabbit-raising studies. After this comes craft/sewing time before prepping supper. This month's project is moving and organizing my "Craft Corner" and I made good progress yesterday while listening to Little Women for Classics Club.

On the left is the woodbox. I'm taking the picture from right beside the insulated woodstove.

These boxes are from Sky Flake crackers - a favorite from my childhood in the Philippines.

I hope to get more of my larger yardages of fabrics wrapped onto foamboard pieces. The aqua boxes are spray-painted and used to store various widths of strips.

My aunt's antique cast iron sewing machine. Boy! is it heavy!

The overflow yet to be put away.

My beloved Hoosier cabinet serves as cutting table and storage.

So, it's all coming along and I get a good amount of each kind of activity throughout the day, though I confess that I haven't exercised yet except for going up and down the stairs and walking to the mailbox (which is a kind of short walk). I'll have to get that going better.

How's your day going?


  1. Not much quilting, sewing, stitch, reading or napping going on in my world. We are traveling home after 7=weeks away!

  2. I love the selfie where you're lying on the quilt next to the display board. Very luxurious 🙃

  3. Sounds like an organized plan to get stuff done and stay warm!

  4. Setting a time for the wood is a good idea, I also usually forget and then need to get it lit again! Love seeing those skyflakes containers! I still have some in the garage for my preserving lids! Your sewing room is getting there!! xx
