One Monthly Goal for March

I'm trying to get back into the swing of life since our trip to Pennsylvania, and then some difficulties that kind of knocked the wind out of me, and then the start-up of homeschool co-op, and then several winter storms that messed up the routine.

So, after two months of not participating, I'm hoping to get my One Monthly Goal done this month.

And here it is:

I have some blocks from a BOM that I chose not to finish that I'm going to turn into a Michigan wallhanging. See the drawing of the Mackinac bridge? I hope to make a large block based on it (probably with the help of my daughter who can draw). That bridge is five miles long and is what connects the Upper Penninsula with the Lower. It's kind of a Michigan trademark so I HAVE to have it in the wallhanging. It just dawned on me that I don't have any cherries planned for this little quilt and our area is loaded with cherry farms. So maybe I'll put a binding of cherry fabric on it or something. We'll see.

Of course I have my buddy Charlie showing off the blocks. Since we're blessed with a multitude of maple trees in Michigan (my brother-in-law has a large and thriving maple syrup business), the maple leaves work beautifully. The longer block is my rendition of the Northern Lights which I've gotten to enjoy once and hope to again.

The brown pine tree is not very realistic, so I'll probably redo that into green. The batik fabric scraps were gifted to me and I dearly love them.

This afternoon I've had some time for sewing and I was so inspired to work on this quilt so I made this:

It still needs to be sewn with a zigzag satin stitch and I hope to add some brushy greenery on the right, but I think it turned out well so far.

Now I'm off to link up with Elm Street Quilt's One Monthly Goal party.


  1. Your lighthouse is so cool! Glad to see you're getting back into some sewing, and looking forward to seeing your omg finish :) xx

  2. Love the lighthouse. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
