Monday's Musing: On Homemaking

One of the beautiful things about homemaking for which I've always been thankful is the variety of things I get to do within that realm. I'll admit that some of my tasks aren't my favorite, but I get to move on to something different before long so those tasks don't usually get too bothersome. And I get to practice creativity on a number of levels.

Today's task involved beginning to organize and settle into my craft/school room. Having only one student now, I don't need so much space for studying and can devote more space to the crafting. And I recently moved almost all my fabric, paper crafts, paints, yarn, etc. upstairs from the basement as part of the home overhaul and remodeling we're doing but didn't have time to do anything more than dump it all into the new room.

So here's the reveal of the before pictures. Scary, huh?!

I hope within the next few days to be able to show you the much more organized and pleasant room for studies and creativity.

I also found my embroidery pieces from Jenny's A Year in the Garden BOM and sadly discovered how far behind I am. So I get to dig into finishing that project. Maybe I'll get an audio book or discover more podcasts to keep me company.

It's all part of being a homeschooling homemaker who enjoys the fiber arts.


  1. You'll enjoy setting up your craft space and I believe that in itself is a way of being creative. :-)

  2. Your room looks better than mine at the moment!!!!! Looking forward to seeing it all nicely organized! xx

    1. I made some progress yesterday afternoon (finally), but it's still not fi t to show. 😁
